Good things truly do come to those who wait

The Sunday of Labor Day Weekend, I had a few things to get off my to-do list. Since they involved a lot of writing, I referred to it as my ‘homework’ since it wasn’t the fun sort of writing but more of the necessary kind. It took a few hours and a lot of brain... Continue Reading →

Red Riding Hood spends another night in woods

Last weekend I happened to be in the checkout line at Target when the clerk asked me if I was doing anything interesting this weekend. He was very young and just making polite conversation, but I smiled and told him I was going howling for wolves. He stopped and looked at me for a moment... Continue Reading →

"The Buddha is found everywhere: in other people - even the ones we do not like very much." — Francis Harold Cook "Just let go. Let go of how you thought your life should be, and embrace the life that is trying to work its way into your consciousness." — Caroline Myss "It is not... Continue Reading →

A day in the life of Paula

Ever wonder what other people’s days are like? Ever wonder if your day is a typical one or not? Well here’s an outline of the average weekday for one of your favorite columnists, if you would like a little bit of comparison. Extra points for reading all the way to the end! 5:30 a.m.: The... Continue Reading →


1. The journey is the best destination. 2. Trust your gut. 3. A hair’s breadth stands between absolute failure and utter success. 4. Don’t plan because zigzag travel reveals the best marvels. 5. Set a huge goal. Even if it’s not reached, it’ll lead to a fabulous journey. 6. You don’t need fancy equipment, just... Continue Reading →

Ralph Waldo Emerson once asked what we would do if the stars only came out once every thousand years. No one would sleep that night, of course. The world would become religious overnight. We would be ecstatic, delirious, made rapturous by the glory of God. Instead the stars come out every night, and we watch... Continue Reading →

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