Enjoy the Many Subtleties of This Quickly Passing Season

Fall has arrived, have you noticed? I know you’ve noticed the cooler weather, but have you noticed all the other wonderful parts of autumn that make this season so wonderful? I’ve been walking as much as possible lately, not so much to save on gas and the wear and tear on my car, but to... Continue Reading →

Simple act, paid forward, has exponential results

Last week as I was walking to work, noticing little things along the way as I always do, I spotted something quite different. As I passed a home in mid-block where I had crossed the street – yes I am a chronic jay-walker, rebel that I am – I noticed that someone, I assume a... Continue Reading →

Today is not like every other day. Rather than pretend it is, honor its possibilities.

Start now. Start where you are. Start with fear. Start with pain. Start with doubt. Start with hands shaking. Start with voice trembling but start. Start and don't stop. Start where you are, with what you have. Just... start. —  Ijeoma Umebinyuo

All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware. ― Martin Buber


1. The journey is the best destination. 2. Trust your gut. 3. A hair’s breadth stands between absolute failure and utter success. 4. Don’t plan because zigzag travel reveals the best marvels. 5. Set a huge goal. Even if it’s not reached, it’ll lead to a fabulous journey. 6. You don’t need fancy equipment, just... Continue Reading →

LadyLovinHerLife: Splendiferous Being of Light & Wonder. Explorer of the world. A terribly real person in a terribly false world. Making the world better, one day at a time, even if it’s just a tiny little bit.

Hello and Welcome!

What you'll find at ladylovinherlife.com... Who is this ladylovinherlife? I'm a sister, a mother, a grandmother, a friend. A people watcher, a big kid, an observer. An artist, a nature lover, a creator, a comedian. An actress, a writer, a dog lover, adventure finder, and well… so many other things. Someone who’s been through all... Continue Reading →

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