

Good to have you here! I created this site as an extension of a weekly column I have written titled “Middle of the Road” since 2012. It’s generally a column for entertainment, written about my perspective from the middle of life, inspired by the song with the same title made popular by Chrissie Hynde of the Pretenders.

Although I try to be funny and entertaining, I am at times poignant and once in awhile go on an all out rant. Regardless, I try to be as constructive and positive as possible. Many of my local readers have found inspiration and empowerment in my words, and it’s my goal to bring that inspiration and empowerment to you, too.

I hope to post some of my favorite and more popular columns from the past, as well as stories of adventures I’ve taken. As I’m not the most tech savvy individual, progress may be trying at times. I ask you to bear with me as I make my first inroads into the blogging world.


~ Paula

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Writings of a Furious Woman

My thoughts, sentiments, and scribbles on womanhood

Words Are Roads

How we get there from here.

Damn, Girl. Get Your Shit Together.

Unsolicited advice for shit you didn't know you were doing wrong


bleib ruhig hier


Over three decades of award-winning design... and I write pretty well too.

Little Fears

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Positively Cluttered Thoughts

written promotions for an optimistic outlook


Life is better in red

Lady Lovin Her Life

Start living the life you imagine.

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